2014-11-30 - Sligo Creek and Northwest Branch Trails with Amy and Stephanie


~16 miles @ ~12.4 min/mi

"Never put hot rollers in your bangs!" That, and other words of wisdom, are among the Trail Talk themes during this morning's trek with Amy Couch and Stephanie Fondax on Sligo Creek & Northwest Branch. Amy is ramping up toward a January marathon in Charleston SC; Stephanie is recovering from last month's Tesla-Hertz 100 miler on Long Island. As for me, "I'm not addicted! I could quit running any time!" provokes smiles when said after we divert during the return trip to run a lap around a nearby track, "... to enhance the GPS map." Uh, sure.

We achieve Amy's 15+ mile goal in time to go together for elevensies at the Woodside Deli close to her home. Her son Quinn joins us. We chat about Asian vs Western zodiac signs, ravens, squids, fire-breathing sheep, scary movies, and a wide range of other topics. Fun! Runkeeper records route and pace.

^z - 2014-12-26